The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations (S.I. 2006:3289) and the WEEE (Amendment) Regulations 2007 (S.I. 3454) stem from an EU Directive of the same name and that Directive has now been rolled out across all EU countries. It came into full legal effect in the UK in July 2007 The WEEE Regulations ensure electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) is recycled in a sustainable way when it reaches end of life. The legislation is in place to reduce the impact electrical waste has on the environment by encouraging its reuse or recycling, and obliges manufacturers to fund the collection and recycling of their products when they reach end of life. The regulations require all producers to join a compliance scheme which manages the process on their behalf, and schemes such as Recolight - which works on behalf of the lighting industry - provide these services free of charge to the end user. Under the Regulations the producer funds the collection, recycling and any environmentally friendly disposal. But it is the end user that has ultimate responsibility for making sure the product is recycled when it reaches end of life.
The WEEE Regulations affect everybody in one way or another but the primary groups affected are:• Producers, who become responsible for financing the end-of-life treatment of their products• Distributors, who become responsible in some cases for taking-back end-of-life products when new products are purchased and for providing information to users about the need for recycling and facilities for the disposal of end-of-life products.
A producer is the party which first puts Electrical or Electronic Equipment (EEE) onto the UK market, whether they are manufacturers of EEE, private brand distributors or importers. The primary responsibility is to finance the environmentally sound disposal of their products at end-of-life. Under the WEEE regulations, the definition of a producer is any person who:• Manufactures and sells electrical and electronic equipment under their own brand.• Resells, under their own brand, equipment produced by another supplier.• Imports electrical and electronic equipment on a professional basis into an EU Member State.
Producers of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) as listed in Schedule 2 of the UK WEEE Regulations are responsible for financing and ensuring the disposal of end-of-life products in an environmentally sound way arising from both household and non-household users. There are some exemptions and limits to this that can be found in the detail in the Regulations. For Example: non-Household WEEE where there is no like-for-like replacement. Producers must join a Compliance scheme (or provide their own Environment Agency approved scheme) which will meet this responsibility by managing and paying for the recycling and recovery of their share of this WEEE and report on what they have done to the appropriate Government authority.
Gas Discharge Lamps (GDLs) are included within the scope of these Regulations (category 13) and are identified under the Hazardous Waste regulations as hazardous waste. Gas Discharge Lamps include:• Fluorescent tubes• compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)*• Mercury, metal halide and sodium SON and SOX lamps.• LED lamps
Most of these lamp types are used in both household and non-household applications. What are not included in the scope of WEEE are filament lamps such as standard light bulbs (known as GLS lamps) and Halogen lamps. Recolight is focused on waste lamps only, Lumicom is the specialist compliance scheme for waste luminaires** * New energy saving CFL lamps are also classified as hazardous waste because of the small amount of mercury contained in each lamp.
Under the WEEE Regulations they must be recycled instead of going to landfill. **Luminaires is the term used to describe a complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps and also the parts which help to position, protect or connect the lamps
Under the Waste Battery regulations, Mico Lighting Ltd are now offering a take back scheme for all portable waste batteries. You can return your waste batteries to our business premises in person (please do not post). Alternatively, you can find your local recycling facility at Most supermarkets and shops that sell batteries will have collection bins for used batteries, and some town halls, libraries or schools may also set up collection points. End-users may find stores in their local area more accessible.